• {{CurrentProduct.Savings_percentage_print}}
  • {{CurrentProduct.Attributes.filter(x => x.Name == 'Vrsta akcije')[0].AttributeValue.Value}} {{CurrentProduct.Attributes.filter(x => x.Name == 'Vrsta akcije')[0].AttributeValue.Value}} {{CurrentProduct.Attributes.filter(x => x.Name == 'Vrsta akcije')[0].AttributeValue.Value}} {{CurrentProduct.Attributes.filter(x => x.Name == 'Vrsta akcije')[0].AttributeValue.Value}}
Ne odgovaramo za eventualne pogreške nastale u opisu proizvoda. Slike artikala su ilustrativne prirode te ne moraju u potpunosti odgovarati artiklima.

Roline USB3.1 kabel TIP A-C M/M, 1.0m, crni

  • Šifra artikla
  • Kataloški broj
  • Jamstvo
    24 mjeseca
Navedene su veleprodajne cijene bez PDV-a. Za tvrtke registrirane za daljnju prodaju odobravamo popuste.

Akcijske cijene vrijede samo za tvrtke koje se bave daljnjom prodajom.
- The new SuperSpeed+ USB 10 Gbit/s (USB 3.1) specification adds a 10 Gbit/s speed mode that uses a more efficient data encoding and will deliver more than twice the effective data through-put performance of existing SuperSpeed USB over enhanced, fully backward compatible USB connectors and cables
- The specification extends the existing SuperSpeed mechanical, electrical, protocol and hub definition while maintaining compatibility with existing USB 3.0 software stacks and device class protocols as well as with existing 5 Gbit/s hubs and devices and USB 2.0 products
* Improved data encoding for more efficient data transfer leading to higher through-put and improved I/O power efficiency
* Compatible with existing USB 3.0 software stacks and device protocols
* Works with both existing 5Gbit/s USB 3.0 hubs and devices, as well as USB 2.0 products
* The USB type-C defines a new small reversible-plug connector for USB 3.1 devices
* The type-C plug can be used at both host and device side, replacing multiple type-B and type-A connectors and cables
* USB 3.1 high-speed cable in high quality with improved shielding
* Data transfer rates up to 10 Gbit/s
* Only suitable for USB standard power supply to 5V / 900mA!
* Type: A-C

- Colour: black
- Length: 1.0 m
- Transfer quality: USB 3.1 SuperSpeed +
- side 1 connector: Type A Male
- side 2 connector: Type B Male
- Left Connector Type: USB 3.1 Type A
- Left Connector Gender: Male
- Right Connector Type: USB 3.1 Type C
- Right Connector Gender: Male
  • Duljina
  • 1.0m
  • Tip
  • USB-C
  • Boja
  • Crna
  • Konektor 1
  • TIP A M
  • Konektor 2
  • TIP C M
  • Masa
  • 0,041

Povezani proizvodi

Besplatna dostava

Za narudžbe veće od 265,00€ (bez PDV-a), organiziramo besplatnu dostavu robe. Izuzetak su komunikacijski ormari, čiju dostavu naplaćujemo prema veličini pošiljke.

Veleprodaja informatičke opreme

Prodaju vršimo isključivo pravnim osobama. Samo za daljnju prodaju odobravamo rabate od 5 - 20% ovisno o grupi proizvoda. Sve navedene cijene su veleprodajne, bez PDV-a. Obratite nam se s povjerenjem